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The Departing


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This mission is horrible. Having to play it even once is already a bit of a drag, with the first boss fight taking way too long and the following cutscenes/dialogue being unskippable. Then there's the second boss which most players just seem to bug out in order to defeat, because some classes are having way too much trouble beating it in a normal way. But the real problem is having to replay this aweful mission countless times because of the rampant disconnects going on.

Why are these absurdly long story missions still being made when people have been consistently complaining about d/c issues in them since the release HoT? Please, for the love of god, either give us a reconnect/checkpoint feature or just stop making long missions like these.

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I agree. It was a literal nightmare. I was playing soulbeast. I didn't realize that 1. Melee was a poor life choice. 2. My auto attack would be disabled for gods only knows why. I let my self die for me to respec and completely change my fighting stlye. Only for it to dc during the fing final dialogue with my rain I and team. I was livid. I really wish the checkpoint thing was real. It would have been a nice oh crap and then oh. But no it dc and now I need to fight the god again. Go thru that ghost story again and kill the most evil boss I've faced in a while....not tonight. I'm going to sleep.

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