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Anet, please improve instruments now that you can.


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Instruments as they currently are are stuck using predefined scales, worse, they don't even all have the same scale so you can't really play them together well. Instruments only have 7 of the 12 standard notes, stopping you from playing a lot of songs, but this was due to a limitation in the way we controlled the game, there weren't enough skill slots.

Now that we have a 5th class skill(F5) and even these fancy extra skill slots that show up with abilities in PoF, we could now have fully-fledged instruments, keeping the current main skillbar as is and then filling in F1 through F5 with the 5 notes the instruments are missing, allowing people to play anything they want. If Anet feels extra fancy they could even use that new temporary skill slot from PoF for extra features.

I bought 2 instruments a long time ago and was greatly disappointed. Anet, do this and I will buy ALL of them.

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By scale you mean octaves?If so, yes they do. at least 3 for every instrument, without them sounding crappy at the highest notes.Instruments need alot more love, since we buy them with gems and there are alot of musicians out there, even musician guilds.Plus anet could make much more profit with it.Aaaand I always loved the instruments and thats what kept me going back to gw2 while i had a long break. I love those instruments so much, that i acutally bought an instrument irl and started learning it with the sheets i made ingame. Still waiting for a violin here tho.

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No by scale I mean which of the 12 notes are used/available. Most of the instruments are in the C major scale for example. those are the "do re mi..." notes or the white keys on a piano. Those black piano keys aren't just there as a fancy decoration, you need them for most music composition.

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