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Dissun Mine invisible wall

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I hope this is in the right forum, but since the patch there has been an issue with reaching the hero point in dissun mine in dredgehaunt cliffs you run up the passgae and you get so far along then you suddenly hit an invisible wall and cant continue through. Theres nothing there just the corridor but you cant enter, just look like you are running on the spot. I know with the release of pof this is unlkely to be a priority but its the only one i need for world completion lol. So any information would be greatly appreciated. I also killed the champion wurm that spawns above it in case that was a factor, but it made non difference.

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I saw this wall yesterday. The only way to circumvent it and to get to the HP inside is a road via Tribulation Caverns (Dredgehaunt Cliffs JP). There is a descend after the final chest and you can go to the mine from the back side. After completing HP I checked that invisible wall from inside: it's unpassable as well.

I guess that it's a side effect of adding the new obstacles and limitations in many areas which were intended to prevent the easy completion of some JPs and vistas using the jumping mounts.

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