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[EU] Guild looking for Raiders [MMC]

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The Mischief Makers Consortium [MMC] consists of a group of friends that currently raid together in various other raid groups and we are looking for new members to join our own newest group.

Mission Statement/Community Approach.

  • We are Looking for Enthusiastic positive people that can take constructive criticism and ask questions. Be able to treat your team as your friends, have fun, be respectful of others to ensure that the group remains a social place whilst improving and progressing further in raids.
  • We use Discord for raids. We’d also ask everyone to have a mic, as it’s hugely beneficial and makes the group feel more cohesive.
  • Have experience on most of the raid encounters would be beneficial, however knowledge of every fight is not required. Keep in mind that if you haven’t done certain bosses that the group may move at a quicker pace so be willing to put in the time if required. We’re currently doing CMs & partial wing clears. There is an expectation to want to improve our performance however this should be done in a constructive non-toxic manner.
  • We expect everyone in the group to be willing to do extra mechanics such as saboteurs on trio, kiting flack, doing cannons on Sabetha & greens on Dhuum. You don’t have to know how to do these extra mechanics now but just be willing to and offer to learn. So if you always wanted to learn this would be a perfect opportunity.


Classes: We like to share the support roles, so we’d ask people to have at least one meta support [Chronomancer or Druid]. In addition, we’d also accept certain off meta tanks & healers such as Tempest Healer, Renegade healer & Quickness Firebrand.For all Classes level 80 exotics are fine to begin with but please ensure that you have the correct stats, runes, and sigils on your gear and the expectation is that you’ll actively improve your gear if needed. Also, be willing to work on gear for different classes if the group needs more flexibility.

Meta builds: Meta is there for a reason and is something I advise players use. I do not discourage theorycrafting BUT if you do run off meta please ensure that the build has the same qualities as it’s meta twin. So similar dps, any group buffs or boons expected and CC the class would usually have. If it brings more that’s even better! Furthermore please ensure it makes sense in a raid setting. Don’t run skills you would in open world or alter your gear for more survivability. If there is an issue regarding gear or builds I will approach it with you.


  • Raiding is scheduled for Thursdays 8 pm GMT/BST and we raid for 3 hrs. Please be in-game and ready to start at this time. Be aware that any delay keeps people waiting and cuts into the group’s raid time.
  • Squad: I will open up the squad anywhere between 5 to 15 mins before we’re due to start. I will usually post a message up in discord letting people know [but please don’t rely on this]
  • Attendance: Signing up to raids is a commitment like any other hobby, unless I hear from you I expect to see everyone for raids on Thursday. If you’re unable to attend please inform me as soon as you’re aware to give me as much notice as possible. Please limit the amount of short notice given [which would be considered letting me know by Tuesday or later] as this should be generally avoidable and can impact the ability to find a sub and it eats into my own time last minute. This gives the group the best chance of success.


We are also looking for Subs. Subs would be expected to follow the same level of conduct as our regular members however subs are not required to have a geared support class.If interested, please send me a mail in game to eskimogremlin.4321 about yourself including classes geared, experience etc and include your discord ID so I can reply.

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