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Pepperseed event bugged?

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Trying to do the meta achievements for Thunderhead Keep. Can't find Pepperseed anywhere. Supply Foremean Alan tells me that the Deldrimor Ruins are fine, the supply is stocked and ready, Pepperseed is ready to go, and Wasmaa is either needing help or he's not sure about her. I've done the Wasmaa event several times, and I can never find her returning to camp. Pepperseed is nowhere. This has happened in three different map instances and I've spent an hour just waiting around or repeatedly doing the Wasmaa event x(

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I've been seeing this today as well. It looks like Wasmaa stays in the camp even while she is doing the Hessper event. Not sure if that's the issue, but most NPC's don't exist in 2 places on the same map at the same time. After Wasmaa's event completes she just doesn't do anything, and the chain is stuck.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Seems to still be bugged. As stated earlier, Supply Forman Alan says the Ruins, the supply cache, and caravan is ready, and Wasamaa is done with her business (though he isn't sure). Pepperseed doesn't spawn in Symphony or Hundar. I, and several other players, have spent hours trying to get the event to trigger.

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