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Rev mace #3 bugged


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So ok, the 3rd spell on revenants mace is bugged. It's sometimes not leaping to target! But behind it or actually it just leaps anywhere. Not even the direction my camera is facing. So at xera, I am nicely dmging her on the edge and then out of a sudden im of the platform :) because of the 3rd spell. I think if u stand further than 100 range from your target, it just leaps you to a random direction. Give it a try. xD please fix this, I can't play condi renegade like this.

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so the tooltip says it has a range of 1200, the leap definitely isn't 1200, it makes some attack after, some orb travels to the target, that is 1200. But still, it never hits if you leap completely to different direction. During raids, it happens often. Sometimes I just leap behind the direction I am facing - away from my target, which I really can't explain. It's like I dodged back.. just weird

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