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[EU] LF Guild in Dragonbrand


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I'm basically a new player although I've had an account for some years, I just now recently started playing more often. I'm in Dragonbrand PvE (I'm pretty sure?) and am in the MST. I'm a casual player and am going to try to play for at least an hour or more everyday in the afternoon, although probably more on weekends and days off. I'm a level 80 revenant (used the potion after buying POF) if that's of any relevance. Currently I just really wanna try to get a Skyscale so I guess if there is a guild that might be willing to assist me in anyway, that'd be fantastic. I like to joke around and am generally not too serious, so maybe a more lighthearted guild, although I do wanna actually complete things in the game, I just like to goof around a bit too. I'm still figuring out the game though so bare with me X'/

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