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Trying to get back into the game


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Hey all, I'm looking to get back into playing GW2 on a regular basis. I played a lot before and around HoT release and on and off since then, owning and having explored a bit of PoF as well. I prefer doing content with groups of people and would love a guild where I can join in and relearn things that I need in order to be a well-functioning player again. I currently play ESO and love doing end-game content there, would love to transition into end-game group content in GW2. I usually do support roles but also enjoy focusing more on damage. I have several lvl 80 toons here, and my main two I've focused on have been my thief (currently deadeye) and necromancer (currently scourge). Hmu with those possible invites! I look forward to getting back into things in Tyria!!

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