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Thunderheart Legend recruiting Semi-casual to hardcore players! [NA]


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Hello to all!

Thunderheart legend is looking for friendly members that maintain at least bi weekly activity. We are kinda laid back but hardcore players will fit in with us just fine. We play across ALL content, and although we do not currently have enough regular members to raid we are 100% committed to adding those into our activities. We strive to be new player friendly as well as making sure each member gets to do content that they enjoy on a regular basis with all of us. Most of us are on crystal desert for WVW, and though that is unfortunately required if you want to do that content with us it is in no way required to be in the guild. We don't enforce guild representation, but we prefer players that are interested in making us their main guild!

Our members are always ready to join any player who needs help, or even just wants company while they farm. We have members with commander tags and we will start up squads for content that we may not have enough members for ourselves. All of our members are 21+ and those in that age range will feel most comfortable. Anyone who is at all interested, by all means shoot me us message and give us a try! Fraust.1346 or Sparkles.1042

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