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RP-Request: Forging Steel


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So I have played the new story line now and I have talked to a couple of fellow roleplayers. Many of us really enjoyed the scenery of the Strike Mission: Forging Steel. There are many different landscape styles, many little places to explore and to find. It would do really well with some RP plots, also regarding the mob freeness once you've cleared everything.

However, that's not quite possible when transformed into a charr character (well, not for non-char characters I suppose). So here is a little request: Would it be possible to disable the transformation? Maybe only after the Strike Mission ended, maybe with a little aura to indicate it is not our true form in this vision? Just an option or an NPC to clear this and do some RP with a couple of friends after finishing the mission in this beautiful area?

Yes, I know, there are server limitations, more important things, noob RPers... but it would be a great little gift to us. :smile:

Have a great day and stay healthy!

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