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Is there an option to toggle ground traveling attacks' targeting in Action Cam?

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I was playing around with my reaper today when I began noticing something odd. I use action cam, because I like to more accurately aim where my skills go, but I began to notice that whenever I used the Greatsword's 5th skill, Grasping Darkness, it would fire off in the direction of whatever my currently targeted enemy was instead of where I was aiming with action cam. This kept being a recurring annoyance, as I'm used to being able to fight an enemy in close quarters, then use action cam to adjust a bit to the left or right of my current target to fire off GS5 and drag in a few enemies who were at medium range into the melee. I tried to compensate for this by disabling Autotargeting and Promote Skill Target (I know, I know) and, while that worked for the problem at hand, as soon as I switched to my Deadeye with their rifle and then my Spellbreaker with their dagger leaps, I found things feeling much clunkier with those options disabled. I waffled back and forth on what to do, looking through the options menu, until eventually switching to my boosted Rev to do a bit of Map Completion while I thought when I noticed that the same problem I had with GS5 on reaper was happening on Rev's Hammer 2. I took a screenshot to illustrate what I mean. When I started that attack, the crosshair was in the same place it was now, but instead of my move going where I aim, it adjusts into the targeted wurm.


I'm certain this wasn't always the case, and I would really, really appreciate being told if I just missed a toggle option to "fix" this "problem".

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