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Two for one, Father/Son team looking for a Family guild.


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Father/Son maybe evens Sons is looking for a guild to join. I used to play a few years back, I have a few 80's and two pretty set Characters. I am currently relearning how to play so I started a new Character but those Tomes are too tempting to use. lol My son on the other hand has never played, so if you don't mind reteaching this old guy and helping teach his son then let me know if you have an opening. We are in NA West. Currently on Eredon Terrace. If I spelt that right. I used to back in the day do a ton of wvw but was never really great at it. We mainly wanna meet some peeps and do some PVE, but are willing to help out the team. Right now not much to do but sit at home. Thanks for reading.

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