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LFG Blackgate (PvX, WvW, casual) CST/EST timezone


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Returning player looking for a casual guild on the blackgate server for a friend and I to do things with. I mostly duo with a friend of mine but there are things we'd like to do in game that require a guild (guild events, triple trouble, maybe try a raid? etc...), and we're always willing to invite a friendly companion along for the trip. I also have an interest in raids and fractals, as a returning player and former completionist, currently sitting at 151 agony resistance.

I main Warrior and he plays Ranger. I also have several other lvl 80s in mostly exotics with ascended trinkets/rings/amulet but it's been so long I don't really remember how to play them (would welcome advice, and I learn quickly). We typically play in the evenings EST for an hour or two between about 6pm-10pm. Unfortunately life doesn't let us do much more than that save for the occasional weekend binge :)

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