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[NA] [PvX] {PINT]

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[PINT] Rules [NA][DarkHaven]

We all are friends and family — gathered together under a common call....to drink as many pints as possible!

Every member matters — their opinions, their worries and their goals… We may not all agree but we will work and strive to help where we can.

We ask that we respect each other — treat each other fairly and above all else have fun — Remember that everyone has different goals in the game, but none are more important than another.

If a member can help they will, but remember they have goals as well. Please don't try to monopolize their time.

Activities Requires Guild Rep During

Raids- Tuesday & Sunday @ Daily Reset

Guild Missions- Saturday 1 hour past Daily Reset

Strikes- Daily (except Tue, Sat, Sun) 0.5 hours past Daily Reset

Tequatl & Chill & Legendary Ley Line Anomaly- Daily(except Tue, Sat, Sun) @ Reset

Fractal Training- Wednesday 1.5 Hours past Daily Reset

WvW DarkHaven- Commanders run randomly thorough the week

Personal Conduct

All members of [PINT] are expected to be the better woman/man. No excuses for the following *'s

  • Blatant disrespect to guildies

  • Excessive greed (begging) in chat

  • “Elitist Attitudes” (you can be an elitist without being a total dick)

Please help us keep guild chat clean-ish. Occasional cursing is fine, but not every other word. Please keep fuck out of guild chat.


[PINT] is run by the Guild Leader, Prime Ministers, & Commanders — the leadership decide the direction and policy.


The overall goal of a raid is to have fun first and successfully complete the raid second. We all work hard on our character development and request that all members take the event seriously and come prepared and ready to kick ass.

Food (condi, power,etc) will be provided by the guild cooks. Everyone is responsible for bringing their own utility food.

Invites for raids will begin 15 minutes prior to start time. Participants will be expected to be logged on and ready to start at that time to receive their invite. Starting 5 minutes until the raid start time, the raid leader can start looking to replace any no-shows.

Raid leader has control of the raid channel. Flap flap will be kept to a minimum during the raid. The raid leader has the power to kick you from raid or mute you in discord should you continue to talk in excess. The only people to be talking are the raid leader, tank, heal, and any designated person by raid leader, or Officers.

The leader will check with guild for any additional people before looking for pugs. If we invite a pug, they get to keep the spot even if the guildie shows up later. It is the only fair thing to do.

In the event the consensus of the raid feels you are too inebriated or not of your full faculties, you will be asked to sit out the raid and a replacement will be found. If you become too inebriated to continue on a run, you will be removed and a replacement will be found.

It is a requirement to use discord for raids. No mic is acceptable as long as you can hear.

Builds must be from metabattle, snowcrows, or discretize.eu for their raid builds. Any other build must be approved by raid leader. Gear and builds are role specific. DPS must be over 10k minimum in a DPS role

~~Discord ==> https://discord.gg/Buayz9a

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