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[EU] New raid static is looking for DPS players! [CLOSED]


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23/11/2020 Edit: All spots have been filled, no longer recruiting!21/11/2020 Edit: aRev spot has been filled!04/11/2020 Edit: Off-heal spot has been filled!03/11/2020 Edit: BS spot has been filled!

We are members of an already existing static and decided to form another for our alt accounts, since finding a static with a fitting schedule was difficult. Obviously anyone - that fills the requirements regardless of whether your account is your main or alt - is welcome to join! Our goal is to one-shot each boss with minimal downtime and unnecessary fuss.

Here are the roles that we're looking for:

* 2 x DPS, with wide variety of dps classes and the ability to handle special mechanics (e.g. hk, Q1 kiting, Q2 pylon) effortlessly

(People applying for the DPS roles will be required to bench 90% on 1 power + 1 condi class either via dps.report or live.)

KP Requirements:

  • 150 Dhuum kp
  • 150 Qadim kp
  • 100 Qadim the Peerless kp

Raid times are Wednesday and Thursday at 20:00 - 22:00 CETThe goal is to keep total clear time below 3:30 - 3:45

Interested or got questions? Contact Ya Boi#5904 on Discord or Chinn.9208 in game!(if unreachable contact Luci#5369 / ranooh.6530)

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