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LFGuild on Borlis Pass (PvE, WvW, casual, Central time)


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I am a returning player and have been playing again for about three weeks. I last played from beta through to just before HoT released. I have bought both expansions and am playing through the story currently. I have several level 80 characters already, but my main is a Necromancer. I mainly enjoy PvE content, which includes dungeons, Fractals and eventually raids; time permitting. I am on central time and generally get online between 8PM and midnight during the week and at various times on the weekends. Generally, I like to mentally schedule out my game sessions, so I have an expectation of what I am going to do when in game.

I am an older gamer and have joined multiple guilds since returning only to be disappointed with the immaturity on display in their Discord servers or in-game chat. Is there really a need for an NSFW forum in every guild's Discord server? I also do not like elitism or people who talk down to others because they have differing views or just don’t want to be on Discord. I don’t like guilds that vacuum up players at random to fill the guild roster with names. Which in GW2 amounts to a bunch of names that are not even representing the guild, so don’t bother talking or interacting with anyone. Then there are the guilds that have people on Discord but are playing other games and don’t actually seem to play GW2.

Ok, so that kind of covers the things I don’t want in a guild. Here are the things I would like to have in a guild. Players that actively and frequently play GW2 as their primary mode of entertainment. I’m not saying they can’t play other games, but I want a guild full of people that care about playing GW2. I like Discord, so an active server that has people on it nightly willing to do PvE content. Mature players. No brand-new guilds just getting started. I like guilds that are established, but are small to medium in size and selective about who they let into their communities. Along with that, the guild should be the primary rep’d home for the players that are in it. I’m not super concerned about what guild perks are unlocked.

If you believe your guild is a good fit for me then please contact me in game or here on the forums.Splash.4758

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Hi Splash,

Whilst we are not on Boris Pass (this only matters for WvW and there is a solution to the conundrum), we as a guild seem to be the ideal fit for what you want.

We are a very social guild of adults ranging in age from mid 30's to early 60's. We have both new and old players, we don't do drama or "office" politics and our main aim is to develop a friendly, social guild that is an active but laid back guild. So far we've been pretty successful with this.

We use Discord but we certainly don't have any an NSFW channel and we have no members with an elitist attitude. We also do not gather up members. In fact one of our most active and helpful members has recently informed the officers that due to Destiny expansion being released today he will not be playing GW2 and that he has no idea at all when he'll be back. I've had a conversation with him and explained that whilst we are sad to see him announce this, we will remove him from the guild (we don't want inactive members just being a number) but he will be welcome back in the future.

Are we medium or small, I have no idea. What is your reference range? All I can tell you is we have no plans to become so big that members get lost and don't know everyone.

I think I've covered everything you have asked for in a guild.

What do we ask for? That you take part and are involved. That you are socially active. If you are likely to be away for over sixteen days you inform an officer. If a member doesn't do this then we remove them from the roster after sixteen days (again, we do not want just numbers!).

I'll look out for you in-game and speak with you. In the meantime below is the link to our recruitment thread.


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