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LFG - NA/FC focused on PVE. We are a group of 6. Some returning, some new.

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We met playing Neverwinter and just started playing GW2 this month. Many of us already played GW and GW2 and had 80s, the others leveled up in just days... but we're all still learning as none of us played GW2 since it started releasing expansions... so, we're still getting our mounts squared away, but give us a week or two. ;)

We are mostly US (EST and PST) + one Scotsman who plays crazy hours, he has come over to the US/FC server.

Typically we play anywhere between 4pm EST - 2am EST weekdays and, if there is stuff going on, all day Sat & Sun. Though we like to schedule events, like dungeon runs, for a set time either Sat or Sun so everyone will be online.

We use Discord, even just to hang out and chat while we run solo content.We are all mature adults.We occasionally share beers.
We like to chat and joke, but it's friendly and welcoming. We are not a "clique" and frequently mix and mingle with other groups while gaming different content. We will be excited to be in a larger group and get to know others.
We all like to take our Hero Builds seriously and try to min/max what we can. Yes we research stuff, read forums, build spreadsheets and watch videos - but we are NOT, have never been, and never will be, top 1% players. We just play several hours a day, and we try to build decent toons ... so we're a little more then "casual".
We will spend some money... but prefer to build through the game play.We like party dynamics and working together to get better at each role needed to beat the harder dungeons.We like to help others... we will help new players and some of our members are so fast at learning MMOs they are just encyclopedia's of game knowledge and will kindly share it.
We are teachable. Eager to learn this game and play it well.

So... Guilds matter... and I am not the sol decision maker on which Guild we join. So, please, when/if you respond to me... tell me enough about your guild that I can present to my guys an organized data set. Nothing below is a "must have" these are just prompts to help me gather info. for a side-by-side.

Please confirm your on NA - Ferguson CrossingHow old is your guild? Any interesting history?What Guild Hall rank and what boons?How many members?How many active - typically during our online hours (weekdays 4pm EST - 2am EST and Weekends)?How many Guild leaders - are they all active? What is the leadership structure like?What scheduled events are run weekly (what times? well attended?)Do you have Discord? Can we visit it?Do you have other sites or out-of-game content that you manage? (Websites, Twitch, Youtube, or team rosters/ event sign-ups)?Is your Guild 18+?Do you run PVE, WVW, PVP?Do you run Fractals, Dungeons...?What is the culture of your guild?What are the requirements of membership... do we need to do Guild building activities? Are any events required? Please specify.

Thanks,Q Lumina

Quil Shea Lumina.7845

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