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LF Guild [NA][PvE/PvP][Ehmry Bay][Eastern TZ][Casual/Semi-hardcore]


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Hello,Looking for a guild that is new player friendly. Interested fields are listed above, but I also don't mind getting into WvW cause that'll be one more activity I can do in the game. So no problems there. I have done dungeons and world bosses before but I never got in depth with the game. I was mainly a casual player but I wouldn't mind going semi-hardcore cause I don't have anything to do and I have run out of games to play since quarantine first started. It's been god knows how long since I have done dungeons so I don't really remember anything.

I have Discord and a mic. I am mostly active during afternoons and evenings, my logins are not exactly set (for example: X times a week, etc.) but I have been grinding my character for a bit now. Just looking for folks who can show me in depth stuff and teach me more about the game. If you are willing to take me, feel free to leave a post here or contact me in game @SlicedBread.8127 (that's what my profile says my name is, idk).


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