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[NA] [Darkhaven] [WvW] Legendary Society [LS] is looking for competitive WvW players!


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Legendary Society [LS] is a prominent fight based WvW guild on Darkhaven (NA) server.

You may have seen us rolling by in a borderland as one tight unit of death, slicing into an outnumbered enemy group on the open battlefield. Or perhaps you’ve witnessed our team of golems poking relentlessly at the gates of an enemy’s garrison, invoking a defensive response from the enemy to face our battle-ready squad. And it's also possible you noticed our coordinated attacks alongside allies to take on an enemy blob, weaving in and out of the hallowed hallways in SMC, all the while taking on the SMC Lord to claim the castle. And you’ll always find us popping out stealth for an ambush on unsuspecting rival server groups, next swimming in an endless supply of loot bags collected from our defeated foes. Looks like fun, right?

No, it's not fun, IT’S glorious.

We are looking for competitive, hardcore WvW players who excel in their role, are able to learn a new class, and/or flexible in switching classes if asked by leaders to adhere to the current squad composition. Being in Discord/TeamSpeak, following directions and staying on tag are also expected from our members. Please be aware that leadership may ask you to switch roles or tell you if you are doing something incorrectly. Ability to receive criticism and feedback in order to progress your skills IS A MUST. Commanders in TeamSpeak will get vocal when they see something that needs to be changed. We are currently looking for Comp classes such as Healbrand, Support Scrapper, Scourge, Reaper, Herald, Spellbreaker, Chronomancer and Immob Beast.

Not experienced in any comp role but willing to learn? No problem - We offer weekly training to make sure every one of our members have the knowledge and tools to perform their best. Like any competitive guild, we always strive for improvement. But unlike just any competitive guild, we focus on YOU. Feedback and criticism must be given and taken in order to improve. Be aware, we may ask you to change a role, change gear or builds to cohere with squad composition.

This is not a casual guild. If you decide to join LS, you are expected to join us for WvW during our scheduled raid times you are online. We expect our teammates to get online at least three times a week for raid. If you are unable to make it online for days at a time, you are to contact an officer. Voice communications are also required (No mic is ok). We use Teamspeak for voice coms, Discord for general organization or pug coms.

We do ask a lot out of our members, and it shows. We have strengthen our forces for the best fights in WvW! We hope you will join us!

Please DM me on Discord for more information! Lenorellei#1782

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