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Level 80 Ticket can't be bought?

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Hi there all, not sure if this goes here, but not sure what else to do! Been playing GW2 for roughly two/three years now, enjoyed a lot of it, and was overjoyed to hear about Lvl Boosts straight to 80 since I have to work a lot and lack time to level. Anyways, my issue is that I've bought a Level 80 Ticket before, no problem. But I'm trying to buy one now, and it's telling me that I need to activate my account and buy an expansion. Issue being that I /have/ an expansion and that I /have/ activated my account, and it even registers as a tick that I have done so on the Gem Store when I click on the Ticket. I'm not sure why it isn't working, and I hope I can get some help with this soon, from others with the same problem, or from a Mod. Thank you very much!

  • Sam
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