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[NA][PvE] Lunar Shroud [Moon] Looking For Inexperienced Raiders!


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Hello! Our guild Lunar Shroud is searching for inexperienced raiders to raid with!We're currently looking to raid on the weekends from 7pm - 10pm Pacific Time (10pm - 1AM Eastern) We're likely to only do one or two nights at most.

Who We Are:

We come from a tight-knit WoW mythic raiding guild. We raid over there on the weekdays and we're looking to raid here on the weekends.We are hoping to carry over our ideas and the foundations of our guild. Including:

  • A stress and anxiety free environment.
  • A place to make friendships and have fun.
  • A team that builds each other up to clear everything and meet our goals.

Other tidbits: We've been raiding in WoW Since 2013! We have a few feats to show for it like achieving US 100. But after all that time we know what it takes to lead, and be in, a raiding guild. You can expect a friendly atmosphere, a Guild Master & Raid Leader that cares about your well-being as a person more than your performance as a player, and a bunch of friendly individuals who try to laugh and have fun at every chance they get. Heads up, that means we're sometimes quite immature (We're all in our twenties!). But make no mistake, we are never racist, sexist, and we’re LGBTQ friendly.

Our Goals:

We have two main goals.Our primary goal is to build a team that encourages friendships and meeting new people.Our secondary goal is to clear all the raiding content in Guild Wars 2.While those are our main goals, If things go well I'm sure other goals will be added to the mix. Fractals, Strike Groups, Challenge Modes, Who knows where we'll end up!

What we're looking for

We're specifically looking for inexperienced players. We're not looking to be carried or be put through 'raid training' or anything of that matter.We want to progress from scratch through all the bosses. Learning at our own pace, and feeling that immense satisfaction of killing a boss for the first time.We specifically want players that are:

  • Completely inexperienced in Guild Wars 2 raids.
  • Have patience and are understanding of other's mistakes.
  • Are looking more for friendships than boss kills or loot.
  • Can work together constructively to meet our goals.

For more specifics, right now we're in need of DPS players, a tank, and someone that can give Alacrity! We're looking to have a strict 10-11 players with little to, or no swapping in and out. So we're specifically looking for those roles! While we do have healing covered, if you are very interested in our team specifically, please apply anyways!

You can apply here! You will be contacted within 24 hours if we are interested!

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@kenny.7236 said:Hi,I used to raid regularly in Rift but only raided not more than 10 hours in GW2.

Thinking of light raiding so perhaps i can try out the DPS role. Is it Fri , Sat or Sun night in US?

Hello! We're most likely just going to be raiding one day a week. I think at the moment we're leaning towards Friday or Saturday but we're also taking into consideration our current applicants! There's a question on the application that asks for your preferred days. ^^

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