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[EU][WvW][AG]- THOR is recruiting


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The House of Raptors [THOR][EU][WvW]][Aurora Glade]International WvW guild with side of some pve activity in off times.we are friendly, helpful, we provide wvw training, a lot of materials and guides to follow.-Roaming WvW most of the time-2 official wvw Raids per week-Casual wvw raids announced on discordExperienced or new players are welcome to join. We are interested in players who want to push their limits in combat and be part of a strong team.(SPECIAL: Seeking out for new strong PPK Commanders)

Requirements:-Join Discord and verify with guild role.-Join Voice chat whenever we have guild raid (Listening at least).-Be communicative during fights.-Represent the Guild in WvW.-Run Guild class builds found on discord or class discussion channels.

If you would like to join, contact us:In Game : Coda.9185In Game : Rapt.6703Discord : Coda#5124Discord : LiiiL <3#1602Discord https://discord.gg/axsYEjS

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