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[EU][PVE] Fractal static lf PFB/DH or SLB


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When: 12:30 CET / 13:30 CEST

Hey, due to IRL, our static is looking for a Guardian (PFB, DH) OR Soulbeast (cslb/cfb for 100). We've been together about 2 months, progressed a lot, and hope to continue.Our best times: 1:06 skor, 47s arts, 1:40 arkk, 41s mama, 31s siax, 1:44 enso.We run the rainbearbow comp on 98/99, double ren on 100, cfb stack or whatever on t4s. We usually do our daily run in about 40-45mins, then grind one boss if good instabs up to 14:30 CET / 15:30 CEST latest. The purpose of the grinds are to try out and refine strategies we will use in daily clears.


  • highly experienced in all aspects of your class including precasts, sigils, traits (dT build/guides minimum, although we don't explicitly follow the rotations in the cm guides due to different comp)
  • power stat infusions
  • contribute to discussion, always looking to improve
  • willing to grind
  • at least some experience with advanced strats like 4-way skor or triple burn arts, or show high potential (provide logs)

If interested, PM me on discord Shadow#8837 :>

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