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Super new player LF a guild to call home


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Hello,I am loving GW2. I am a wow refugee. I have dabbled in ESO, SWTOR and FFXIV but GW2 is amazing! I feel excited over the fact that I finally found the game for me and annoyed it took me so long to find this game lolSo I am slowly trying to learn my way around the game.I am a 31 (32 tomorrow) female, been playing mmos for.. about 10 years. I am interested in finding a guild on ferguson's crossing as I am interested in trying WvW when I reach max level (I am a long way off from that). Hoping to find people to experience content with when I reach max level. I was previously a heroic level raider (dps, heals & tank) in WoW. I would like to get into pvp more and i've heard nothing but good about GW2's pvp.I'm not quite sure what else I can write about myself. I suppose it's a little early to apply for a guild already but I don't see any addon mass invite stuff coming my way from SGI on this game (thankfully) so I thought I'd take myself to the forums and ask for a guild to take me under its wing while I level and learn the ropes!

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