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LF Guild [EU] on Aurora Glade (casual player, PVE oriented)


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HelloI'm a returning player to the GW2 universe. I played the basic game, but not very in-depth; for the most part, I'm a newbie. Back then, I did some quests, exploring, gathering, a bit of crafting; didn't go on raids or fractals. Haven't played any of the expansions yet. About two weeks ago I reinstalled GW2 and have been considering ever since to buy the expansions. However, doing only daily quests, solo, is kind of boring so I am looking for a guild.What am I hoping to find in a guild? Most importantly, some people to relax and chat with. I'm also hoping to find at least one or two patient, more experienced players, that are willing to share some knowledge. Last but not least, I'm hoping to find groups to do some fractals, raids etc.What kind of player am I? PVE oriented, thought I wouldn't mind, once in a blue moon, to join a WvW event. I get bored quite easily, especially if I reach some sort of cap (like I managed to do in POE this league). I like to complete achievements, gather resources, craft, do bosses/raids.Other MMOs that i've played: Lineage 2, Wow.My timezone: GMT+2 so I guess that means only EU guilds are an option, since I mostly play in the evening.Time spent online: it depends. I spend about 2-3 hours online. I can't say that I am a hardcore gamer, not anymore. Perhaps if I do end up buying the expansions it'll be more than that.Characters: I have a level 80 engineer and a couple of other lowbie "experiments".Well, that's about it. Feel free to ask for more info if someone's interested.Have fun and good luck!

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