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[EU][Casual player] LF Guild (PvP, WvW, Pvx) [Deso]


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Hi there

Im on the hunt for a guild to join, im a new player to GW 2, but an MMO veteran.

im looking for a good start in this game, with a guild/community which is doing all parts of the game. I particularly enjoy PvP content and for what ive seen until now WvW looks really fun aswell, so I cant wait to dive into that. But at the same time i work long hours and have a family to tend to aswell.I will be most active in the evenings (CEST) on most days of the week.

If you think your guild is the place for me, hit me up and ill be happy to explain a little more about my self and listen to how your guild works :D

and if not have a fantastic day

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