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[LFG][NA][PvE] Looking for semi-hardcore fractals, and possibly raids


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I'm a veteran player (6k hours) looking for a guild to regularly clear CM fractals and maybe raid with here and there. I have 11 characters in full ascended, and can play most well, though I'm enjoying condi rev and healing tempest at the moment most. I've cleared most raid bosses, except for Xera, Matt, and Wing 4 (stopped raiding before it came out.) Right now I generally PuG my fractals, and I'm looking for something a bit more dedicated for daily clears.Thanks much!

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  • 2 weeks later...

hey, i've been looking for and trying to help people to up their game and get to tier 4 so we have more options and more people to run t4 with instead of pugging.as for raids, we try to do them training on a weekly basic in hope to get people in, interested in the game content or at least try out to learn more about their class(es).to me wing 4 bosses are very interesting. and we're doing first boss of wing 4 this week.

if you're interested, could check us out.https://www.reddit.com/r/guildrecruitment/comments/716lb0/napvxchillax_guild_intense_pleasure_mmm_lfm/

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