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Looking for Active Guild in NA for PvE/Raids/Fracts/Dungeons/Living World/Achives

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Hey everyone,

  I've been a GW2 player since launch but I ended up having to take a 1.5 year break due to life and such. I'm now back to being on actively throughout the day and night and would love to find an active (meaning you have at least 35+ active members), friendly, and helpful guild. Things I'm looking for in a guild are:

  1. Discord - My preferred way of communicating with friends/guildmates
  2. Active - Would like a guild that is active throughout the week and weekend. I'd like to find something where I can find people to play with pretty much any time.
  3. PvE- I'd like some people I can go do open world stuff, farming, and events with.
  4. Fracts/Dungeons - I can do dungeons with my eyes closed for the most part and fractals, I'm a bit rusty on but would love to get into again.
  5. Raids - I used to work with a few different guilds to figure out raid mechanics whenever there was a new raid. I'd need to get back up to speed here but I want to get back into raids.
  6. Living World/Achievements - Doing living world stuff with a group is a lot more fun that without a group. Its also nice to have people to achievement hunt with. 

If anyone has a guild they think might fit this description for me to join, either reply here, whisper Curisu, or send an in-game mail to hahawinner.5273. Thanks and hope to find a good group of people to chill with. 

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