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[NA] Hardcore Fractalism - Fractal Of The Gods [GODS]

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Love Fractals?
Have the passion to do all the Challenge Modes + Tier 4s on a daily basis with like-minded people?
Wish to play with ONLY experienced people who knew the mechanics and know how to handle their roles?

We invite you to the guild [GODS] - Fractals Of The Gods

We reserve this club exclusively for the elites and their sub accounts (Requires Verification)

to farm Fractals smoothly on a daily basis! 


- Must have the Fractal God Title! (No exceptions)

- If you wish for your sub accounts to join, you must join with your main account first (that has the Fractal God Title)

- Be in any NA server (Obviously)


- PM Niklauze.5637 (Or send mail)
- Be in 1 party in Fractals (Fractal God buff can be seen there)

- Alternatively, just show your Fractal God / Goddess title in the party

Edited by Niklauze.5637
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