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Complete noob looking for guild or experienced player to be my senpai

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As the title says, i'm a complete beginner and just yesterday used that lvl 80 boost item that comes with expansions. Tbh, i prefer to go solo just because it's always easier to avoid stress and toxic people, but from playing several other mmos before i know that getting the basic knowledge and understanding of game mechanics is extremely hard without interacting with other players and could take months or even years, especially if most of the internet guides are outdated or way overcomplicated like they tend to be with mmo games. I would love to play gw2 and enjoy it's wonderful world, but really don't have the patience or motivation to go through all of that again. Whether it would be a beginner oriented guild or some experienced solo player with nothing better to do than sharing his knowledge with my humble self, any help would be much appreciated. 


Edit: i purposely said "beginner oriented" guild rather than "beginner friendly", bcs most of the "beginner friendly" guilds i used to come across in other games, when i was starting out, usually understand that idea just as allowing beginners to join for whatever reason and once they let you in they don't care. Could as well just be solo then, lol


Now i don't know what info am i supposed to give but my ign is Enbashira and i'm pretty sure i picked one of the Europian servers. Also the class is warrior, if that has any relevance.



Edited by RinDinSan.2846
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