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Zerg Busting Fight Guild [PoGu] is recruiting!

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Are you looking to play WvW with a group of dope players? Join us in Zerg Busting Fight Guild [PoGu]. We are a Dark Haven based WvW Fight Guild. Our goal is in the name, we hope to run a solid 20-25 man guild group with the capability to contest groups twice our size, if not bigger. 



1. Discord/Microphone

2. Ability to take criticism

3. You must run guild builds that are posted in our discord. 

4. Mandatory attendance on our scheduled raid days.


As stated earlier, we only want to run a 20-25 man guild group, so open recruitment is limited. These are the roles we are looking for.


2-3 Firebrands (Boonbrand)

2 Scrappers (Medkit)

1 Dragonhunter (Power guard DPS)

2 Warriors (flexibility between DPS and Support is appreciated)


We are a friendly, competitive but casual WvW fight group. If you are interested in joining us, join our discord and complete our application in the discord. You wont regret it. https://discord.gg/8ZfyVWm2gg



Edited by ShroomBoom.5674
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