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calibration bug

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There are 10 games to calibrate right? I played 10 games, but in the pvp window listing it's only counting 9 and the last one has already scored points (-32), I don't understand why this last game is counting as a normal game (after calibration), I think this is a bug . Another strange thing is that when I finished my 10 calibration games, at the end it shows the right calibrated score, a value had appeared around 1350 until 1400 (I don't remember exactly the value, so I'm saying an interval) and now when I look at my score, it’s showing less than 1300, I don’t understand it, I think it’s another bug or something related to the bug above. Please check.



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On 5/25/2021 at 9:00 PM, Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:

For a personalized official response, you can 'Submit a Ticket' via the 'Support' link above/below.

For player response, you might try posting in the PvP  or Player Helping Player sub-forum.

Thank you buddy, I opened a support ticket and they asked me to report here, reason: they don't have enough tools to be able to check about it. 😞

Edited by fernandio.8013
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