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[LFG] [NA] - Returning player looking for a fun guild to join.


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I was one of the first people to set out into the lands of Tyri in the days of old! (I played in the closed beta). I stuck around and adventured for a few very happy years. Different situations caused me to fall out of the game around the release of HoT. I played bits and pieces of HoT, but never really got far into it. Right now I have a lot of free time and would love to return to the game.

I'm looking for a guild that wouldn't mind helping me get caught up on what I've missed and that likes doing fun events like Raids and maybe even WvW? I'm big into PvE as well as PvP, so I'm not sure if there is a guild around that does a little bit of both or if not I may look for individual PvE and PvP guilds. Not looking to join one where it's like working for a corporation where you don't know anyone and just get bossed around. I'm looking for a group I can hang with regularly and enjoy the game with.

Edited by Zinthos.5893
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 ☠️Hai Zinthos, We are mostly NA and I'm a fellow old beta player like you < 3 We are a tight group of people that honestly just get on to hang out and have fun lol! 

[HELL] is recruiting! WvW (Kaineng) and PvE

We are a group of laid back veterans and new players, mostly WvW but we have PvE people too. The Guild is max lvl. We have 200+ Members with around 30 ish active and a Discord server. We are in Kaineng.  If your interested, you can send me a message in game  Elrenia Hothien.4657  Or you can send me a message on the forums here. < 3

WvW Raids
Fridays (Reset), Saturdays (8PM EST), Sundays (3PM EST).
We have People roaming during the week too. 

Here's a video of us, lol ~ Link ~

Edited by Elrenia Hothien.4657
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