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We’re a social Guild Wars 2 PvX guild focused mainly on organised (not hardcore) WvW content, located on the Ring of Fire (RoF) server. Our aim is to become a tight-knit group that thrives in outnumbered fights, putting emphasis on coordinated team play. We also enjoy a variety of PvE activities. 


From Oxford dictionary

(tight-knit | ˌtʌɪtˈnɪt | (also tightly knit)
(of a group of people) bound together by strong relationships and common interests.

⚠️ Being active is of highest importance because it is essential for what we’re trying to build. Unlike most guilds, we only follow a simple, common sense ruleset:

👉 Our only requirement is to attend scheduled events. Because most of us have real life commitments, activity in the game is limited to ±2x/week, evening hours CET / CEST.
👉 If you cannot join a scheduled event, let us know.
👉 If you’re going to skip events consistently and without notice, naturally you’ll be expelled. The same goes if you will be offline for more than a month.
👉 If you’re a member of another guild, and our schedules clash, you’ll have to choose. Doing both camps is not something we can accept - to be turned down every now and then and come back when you feel like it. We appreciate loyalty and reward it in kind.


🗓 Mon and Wed 🕓 19:00 - 21:00 CET / CEST
🗓 Fri (Reset - optional) 🕓 20:00 - 22:00 CET / CEST

* Guild Missions and some content can be a substitute for WvW runs, depending on what is currently needed for the guild, or to help out a guild member.
* * General PvE content is done outside of WvW hours randomly.


Take a moment to review all of the above. If you agree with everything, join our Discord via https://dsc.gg/neic (works from a browser only) and message one of the Attachés.

Edited by Inoki.6048
Updated terms and proper formatting.
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