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The Asuran Triumverate | [TRIO] | NA | Semi-casual? | PvX


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Hello all my Asuran brothers and other loyal subjects!The Asuran Triumverate is currently rebuilding its laboratory and re-configuring it's Golems! We are a three tiered society (as you can clearly see with your large eyes) and welcome all Asurans (and non-asuran loyal subjects) to come and join us for....ehm.... whatever it is we do!

Hey everyone! We are the Asuran Triumverate and we are a group of friends and family that are rebuilding our Guild and creating content! We feel that Guild Wars 2 is one of the most diverse MMOs out there, since there is so many types of things to do. We naturally want to have a leg into everything. We want to do our best and have the most fun possible, while not sacrificing our laid back friendly atmosphere. With this vision in place we run our guild very modular. I have officers that will manage whatever aspect of the game they want, and will be able to focus a set of people (whoever wants to) in maximizing their enjoyment in a particular area of the game. So far we are finding ourselves in PVP, Dungeons, HP Trains, and Map Clears. Our PVP team currently has its own private Arena and is working on learning more about tournaments! We are still looking for more dedicated officers to bring additional modular specialization to the guild :astonished:Some areas we want to be prominent in:

  • PVP
  • PVE (all aspects)
  • Achievements
  • WvW
  • Fractals
  • RaidsWe have our own discord server, and will have a very basic website up to act as a calendar and chronicling of our guild soon! If you would like to know more, please message me on here or add solofrog.3968 in game!


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I've been with these guys for about a week. I have found a nice spvp team and a good group of individuals to do daily stuff with. From arenas, fractals, and map completions, these people do it all. I will only recruit Asuran if I could, BUT I will let a few others slide. You know, for umm.. studies.

PM Solofrog.3968 today! Come hang out and enjoy yourself. First arena win is on me!

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