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Opinions on Mirage Now?


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@Syprus Soulslayer.1640 said:

@OriOri.8724 said:Mesmer has tools to generate 3 clones nearly instantly without needing to spam an ammo based skill. MI will get 2 axe clones out. DE will get a clone out as soon as you dodge, and works with IH if you want to run that. Self Deception will get a clone out on using a deception skill. its not like this was the only way to get axe clones out, yet a lot of people are treating it like that

Because a lot of people don't run any of those traits or skills. The only one I use out of that list is DE and wasting a dodge while in melee range to generate another axe clone seems like a waste to me unless I plan on following up with an ambush. I may need that dodge to mitigate damage / evade an attack from my opponent.

My point was that mesmer already has a ton of ways to generate clones quickly if you want to bring them. Whether or not they were a part of your build before doesn't really matter, but the fact remains that mesmer has access to them. This isn't hampering mesmer at all. It just makes you use more conscious choices. Do you want 3 clones instantly (in which case the additional .15 seconds wait time won't matter, because you would still need at least 1 of the options I presented to generate the third one anyway), or do you want to not run clone generation traits/skills? And 0.15 seconds is not that long of a time if you're being honest with yourself.

I really don't see a problem with this change, I think everyone is blowing it way out of proportion

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@OriOri.8724 said:

@OriOri.8724 said:Mesmer has tools to generate 3 clones nearly instantly without needing to spam an ammo based skill. MI will get 2 axe clones out. DE will get a clone out as soon as you dodge, and works with IH if you want to run that. Self Deception will get a clone out on using a deception skill. its not like this was the only way to get axe clones out, yet a lot of people are treating it like that

Because a lot of people don't run any of those traits or skills. The only one I use out of that list is DE and wasting a dodge while in melee range to generate another axe clone seems like a waste to me unless I plan on following up with an ambush. I may need that dodge to mitigate damage / evade an attack from my opponent.

My point was that mesmer already has a ton of ways to generate clones
if you want to bring them. Whether or not they were a part of your build before doesn't really matter, but the fact remains that mesmer has access to them. This isn't hampering mesmer at all. It just makes you use more conscious choices. Do you want 3 clones instantly (in which case the additional .15 seconds wait time won't matter, because you would still need at least 1 of the options I presented to generate the third one anyway), or do you want to not run clone generation traits/skills? And 0.15 seconds is not that long of a time if you're being honest with yourself.

I really don't see a problem with this change, I think everyone is blowing it way out of proportion

I guess we can agree to disagree. Combat in Guild Wars 2 is very fast paced compared to other MMOs, and timing is crucial in landing burst combos and dodging / evading damage. Forcing players to run certain builds / traits is bad for build diversity. Not everyone wants to run a cookie cutter / meta battle builds, and yeah .25 isn't a big deal in the grand scheme of things but it's noticeable to those of us who have become familiar with the axe combos. Anet pretty much choose to support players who are spamming skills and mashing buttons by adding this reuse timer. The cool down on Axe 2 itself is relatively low so I don't know why they felt the need to change it in the first place. The main issue with the axe skills was pathing and the garbage ambush pre patch which has been addressed.

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