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[EU Fissure of Woe] Casual Socially Awkward Player Looking for Guild


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Hello, I am a casual player looking for a fun, chill, casual Guild to join.  I have pretty much been playing solo since launch.  I took a long break but have been playing a lot more regularly for the past 6 months or so and try to play at least 2-3 hours every couple of nights.  I finally crafted my first legendary a couple of weeks ago so I am now looking to take the next steps into more end game content.  I have dabbled a bit in Fractals (back when I had a friend who played) but since then I've had a lot of really bad experiences in pugging and mixed with my social anxiety it really put me off for a long time.  My friend has talked me into posting on here (my first time ever posting on a  forum) to try and find a Guild that is friendly, casual and hopefully doesn't get annoyed by my social awkwardness.  If you have a Guild like that please let me know and I'll muster the courage to whisper you in game.


I am UK based and on the Fissure of Woe (not sure how much that effects things?).

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