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[EU] Far Shiverpeaks new player lfg

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I'm a new player to GW2 and I've been playing for a few days now and I'm 80 and have both expansions. My current character is a ranger. I'm looking for a guild or guilds who focus on either PVE/PVP or both. I'm doing a lot of ranked conquest atm (g2) but I want to get into WvW aswell. On the PVE side I want to do dungeons, some fractals, raids etcetera. Basically I want to learn the game and hopefully find some people to play it with. I have my brother who plays ranked with me and he's been at the game for years but he isn't really into pve like raids and fractals.

I played a lot of GW1 and other mmos so I consider myself pretty decent. I'm from Sweden and fluent in English I have a good mic and if anyone is willing to help me learn the game and play through some content with me that'd be great.  I play quite a lot at the moment.

Edited by Hartassen.9632
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