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[NA][PVE] Against All Odds [AalO] is looking for players interested in getting into raids.


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Hi all, a couple of friends and I are looking to form a training/progression group to help new players get into raids and existing players gain experience with the end goal of having a friendly group for chill clears. We welcome players of any skill levels as long as you are looking to learn and willing to be patient with those who are learning. We plan to run on Fridays at reset+1 for 2-3 hours with potential for a Saturday afternoon run as well depending on people’s availability and interest. If you are interested or would like more information feel free to DM one of us on discord at TwinkleToes#7636 or agrizan#6266, contact us in game at TwinkleToes.2849 and Agrizan.1087, or just respond to this thread.

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