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[NA][PvE] Lag Ends With Death [LEWD] Looking for statics


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Hey! We are Lag Ends With Death [LEWD] a PvE focused guild.

We are a casual, multi-game community with a social focus. If you are looking for a LGBT friendly place that is fun, friendly, and welcoming, we can provide that. Our guild fosters a friendly atmosphere that is non-discriminatory, and we do our best to treat everyone fairly and with respect.


We are looking for additional statics/fills for our raiding group.


• For our statics, we expect some familiarity with raids preferably with two raid ready builds, such as 1 dps/1 support build or 1 condi dps/1 power dps or 2 supports.

• For our fills, we expect at least one raid ready build; no experience required.

Thursday and Sunday - 5:30 PM PST/ 6:30 PM MST/ 7:30 PM CST/ 8:30  PM EST
We raid for 3 hours usually.

If you are interested in joining you can message me in game: Greymarch.3291

• Raid Experience

• Current Raid Ready Builds

Edited by Greymarch.3291
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