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[NA][Ferguson's Crossing] [PvE PvP WvW] Looking for a newb friendly guild (Played Lineage 2 & WoW)


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  • Character Name: ilikebugs
  • Class: Asura Necromancer - planning on going Reaper but opened to suggestions if a guild needs a specific Necromancer (also opened to starting other needed characters once I learn the game)
  • Active Hours: Usually weekdays/weekends after ~6:30pm (that's when the little one goes to bed)
  • Upgraded Account: Yes (bought the Deluxe Package last night)

I started playing last Sat after not playing an MMO for ~15 years due to life/career/starting a family etc.. I used to play Lineage 2 on the Gustin server for ~6-7 years. I played a Swordsinger (support class) and was a hero a few times which means "the best" for that particular class on my server. I used to easily play ~12 hours a day for a bunch of years so definitely not new to MMO's. I also played vanilla WoW for ~2-3 years where I used to play an undead mage and joined the best raiding clan (only way to get good gear in vanilla WoW) before calling it quits with MMO's.

I started looking around to see what the META is re: MMO's and this one seemed to be the most relaxed and the number one rated MMO re: Community/Fighting mechanics and PvP. I can't put those kind of hours into games anymore but I'm a quick learner but looking for a clan that can help/guide me to become a better player, so in return, I can assist the guild in getting better by having another good player.

I have a pretty busy career so it's not a guarantee re: playing every night during the weekdays but definitely willing put time on weekends after ~6:30pm. Can easily play to ~2-3am.

Either way, hoping someone actually looks at this and I'm talking to a ghost :classic_laugh:

Edited by ilikebugs.6285
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Hey Bugs!


Haha love the nickname. Glad to hear of the experience mate, it was always awesome having more time to grind out MMOs and other games back when I was in high school, so I definitely value any hours I get to do those things again haha. 


I'm apart of a WvW guild on Darkhaven. A lot of the people in the guild have played since launch, again, primarily WvW, and I myself joined a few years back and it's always been a blast. We're super organized, have a discord full of information and really enjoy having new people join the crewe! With you being new, we'd really love to help out with learning all of the aspects of the game.


The guild has WvW raids Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday at 7PM PST (I'm CST myself so it still isn't that late) and have off play WvW the rest of the week (just depends on who is on etc). There are PvE raids as well, but there is more information about all of that on the discord. I know for a fact a lot of people have acquired their legendary armor the past 6 months or so from doing those raids.


If you're still interested, we'd love to have you! Again, you'd have to transfer servers as we are on Darkhaven server (which is transferrable thankfully, we were full for ages) so that is the only obstacle stopping you from having a ton of fun with us! :) Hope to see you soon :)



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