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What if specializations replace core trait lines their own 3 trait lines?


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Could this work?

I feel that they could spread and make a greater diversity and have better control of comparison between core and spec traits. It feels like one specialization trait lines a crammed with too much "goodies" in a single line and tend to follow a popular trend i.e. most guys run the same build, combo, weapons, hairstyles and shoes...

would require quite a lot of work though....

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Either that or just compact the core lines into just one or two respective lines, then limit total active trait lines to two. It might be easier to just compress the old lines into two "good" ones given how much bloat and nonsense is already floating around in them. It's easy to make cuts, and compressing the better parts of 5 core lines into just 2 lines would only benefit them in the long run.

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Well, I don't like this idea but it could go something like this:

Add another tier after Grandmaster for all core specializations, call it Big Boss tier, with two majors and one minor, for a total of 15 new traits all up.Add a button somewhere to select the 'elite specialization' which modifies what these traits are (i.e. you can't select spellbreaker big boss traits if you have berserker selected)

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