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Pre-HoT PvP reward chest content unable to use after opening? Preview/Destroy only option.


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Hello,I decided to open 3 PvP reward chests that were in my bank. These chests were Pre-HoT rewards. I kept them in my bank and decided today to give them to my Mesmer. It is possible the chests itself were once rewarded to my Warrior (my favourite back then), but the chests themselves are Account bound. (The chests contents are soulbound to my mesmer.)

So I traveled to the Mists, openened them with my Mesmer, got lots of goodies and skin unlocks! Niiice :)Then I tried to equip, replace my longsword with my new PvP longsword. It doesn't show up, like it doesn't exist. Not in PvP Build window, none of my new usable PvP weapons do.

I try it by using the character window, rightclick the weapon and I have two options: Preview or destroy.What's even more strange is that there's no 'Unable to use by your profession' message with medium/heavy armour, while I'm Mesmer. Unusable weapons do have the message.Also the light armor equipment from the chests are unusable.

So all I can do is destroy all my goodies, can't even dismantle them.

Were those chests too old? it comes from pre-HoT PvP rewards. Is the content revealed outdated so all I can do is destroy?

I made some screenshots to show, unfortunately there's no attachment button so I put them on dropbox:One picture show the greatsword i'd like to use, the other is a piece of heavy armor that doesn't have the class restriction for my Mesmer (light only).One thing these items have in common: I can only Preview/Destroy them. Is there still a way I can use the items that should be useable by Mesmer?



  • Grampybone
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