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Accessing resources: log

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Hey all,

the wiki states the following:

Each endpoint can be accessed directly to get a list of resources. Each resource can be accessed as a subpath of the endpoint. Alternatively, a single resource can also be accessed by specifying the id query parameter at the base endpoint. Multiple resources can be specified by specifying the ids query parameter instead. The latter expects a comma-separated list of identifiers and returns an array of objects instead.

For example, /v2/quaggans returns a list of quaggan identifiers, e.g. "hat" and "box".

A single resource, e.g. the "hat" quaggan, can be accessed at /v2/quaggans/hat or /v2/quaggans?id=hat.Multiple resources, e.g. both the "hat" and "box" quaggans, can be accessed at /v2/quaggans?ids=hat,box.Some resources accept ids=all to expand all resources at once.

how would I go about to query on my the guild log api?https://api.guildwars2.com/v2/guild//log?access_token=

I'd like to only return the "rank_change" objects.

Is this possible? all my attempts give me errors

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https://api.guildwars2.com/v2/guild/YOUR_GUILD_ID/log?access_token=YOUR_ACCESS_TOKEN works fine. Keep in mind that your access token needs the "guild" scope. The /guild/:id/log endpoint is not bulk expanded like most others - the only optional parameter is since=, which lets you specify an event id - see https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/API:2/guild/:id/log

See this post for getting your guild id: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/463590#Comment_463590

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