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Roller Beetle Guild Mission Race


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Not to be a broken record here (or maybe to be exactly that :) ), but how easy (and fun) would it have been to simply add a guild mission tied to the new roller beetle races? They wouldn't have even needed to add anything really new - just give us a mission similar to those listed for WVW or PVP that read - "Complete one roller beetle race in XYZ map - at least 3 guildmembers must participate to qualify."

Not only would that keep the roller beetle races relevant and populated long term (because, let's be honest - they will likely be really popular for about a month and then just be something people rarely do), but it would also help revitalize guild missions and give guilds something more to do together.

Obviously this could be done for more than just roller beetle races - it is just hard to see them add something like this to the game and not daydream about what it could have meant for the (now long abandoned) guild aspect of the game.

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