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New Guild Hall Game- Beetle Golf


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My guild (The Sentinels of Elona) has created a new game (Beetle Golf) to play in our guild hall and we wanted to share with others so they could enjoy it.

We built to the top of our guild hall and built a platform for people to boost off of with their beetles. We first used the hole in the top of the war room on lost precipice. Later we created a whole course using white wintersday gifts decoration.

The rules are very simple. You have to land in the hole with the beetle, no hitting the edge and falling in. The way we scored it was we did 5 attempts. The 1st attempt was worth 5 points if you made it, 4 points for the 2nd attempt and so on. You could try and use actual golf scoring by assigning a par to each hole if you wanted. It is actually a lot harder than it sounds.

So yeah that is our simple but extremely fun idea for other guilds to use, enjoy!

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