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Bug: Jackals and Abrasive Grit

Drarnor Kunoram.5180

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I'm not going to make assumptions as to how the Abrasive Grit trait is supposed to work with the Jackal's engage skill, but I'm pretty sure this isn't it.

If you have Abrasive Grit traited and use your own jackal's engage skill, you have a condition removed from you and gain 2 Might. However, nobody else gets a condition removed and gains 2 Might from your engage skill, although they do gain a barrier.

To make matters stranger, if you have Abrasive Grit traited and get a barrier from another player's Jackal engage skill, then you get a condition removed and gain 2 Might. I discovered this when a Deadeye of all things gave me a barrier, so it was clearly not the other player having Abrasive Grit.

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