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Can Anet increase Qing cap to three men and have a separate 5men premade Q please?


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SoloQ mode which is currently existing, is only for elites like Sindrenerr. They dont need other players and are self dependent being able to change the outcome of every game they play. However above average players like myself, might play to their best, we can't control four other players who don't care about others! Like many a times I meet players who constantly keep running far and die, or just keep running mid alone to act as feeders!

It is a sincere request to Anet that although the tournaments are great but then again it is for the elites. Please bring back teamQ, at least make a separate 5menQ besides increasing the cap in the present mode to three playerQ so that we have one less independent "I don't care" random person.

Thanks and RegardsSunny

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Not everyone wants to make a team ime having other players break up teams have forced me out of making them. So I understand theres many reasons for not wanting to make a team and a reason to not want to get farmed pug vs premade. On the otherhand the games do become more competitive when its team vs team and i understand the need for team vs team que. Solo and team que should never intertwine unless done in a way like gw1s ra went into ta was done unranked only, win a match have a chance to join the team to play against premades, however both options should be there. Solo ques should be purely random and solo only while team ques are completely organized only. Its the fairest way of doing things and most accurate depictions for ranked.

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well tbh, qing in EU is diff from NA. In EU the amount of skilled players is still pretty healthy compared to NA. Qing at 1800 in EU, will put you with other 1800s. In NA qing as 1800 puts u with 1400rating or lower to balance out the only 2 1800s in the match. So soloing in EU is actually a viable way to rank up, rather in NA, YOU need to be duo and even that is not enough.

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