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So, i game my four daily matches for today.


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i mean it depends on where your rating is compared to your mmr. if the game thinks you're way below where you should be, you'll be penalized heavier for losing whilst gaining less when losing. Also if your rating is higher than the total average rating within the arena match, then the same applies. I remember starting out gaining from 15, to 20, to 25, then peaked at 32-35 while losing around 10-13 each game. Basically, you're rewarded for winning streaks.

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Okay, perhaps its not been emphasize clearly in the original post that the 26 points was in total of both game played won.Hoping none of you misunderstood anything, risking 25 ratings while having fun in process and gaining 1 rating in Four game total is clearly what am trying to say as casual. There was suppose to be a image included and not pure text but i don't have the account platform required, Inspite all the manipulation police in the interweb; i hope they'll expand it thru their API feat or something like that across all social media.

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