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Posts posted by Pemberly.6305

  1. Everyone who plays WvW regularly has an opinion about what WvW should be. This is a good thing, it means people are invested. It also means people disagree, which is okay as long as people keep the vitriol to a minimum.

    Alliances is meant to balance server populations, by creating pseudo-servers every 2 months. Alliances will not affect fight outcomes based on squad size, in my opinion. Big blobs will still wreck smaller groups, plain and simple. The alliance limit of 500 still allows a pseudo-server to field 4 squads (one each map) of over 70, or a map queue for each BL/EBG, for the selected time zone. This assumes that alliances are made with guilds from the same time zone, which in my experience is likely.

    Fight group size (5, 20 or 50) is affected by alliances. It is determined from how many players there are available for each time zone. Last I heard, alliances don't balance populations for each time zone, although I hope they will. Thus, with alliances, you can still have a server dominating one time zone, and dead the rest of the time. Players can still spend gems each re-link to play on a server that meets their needs. This is no different than today.

    So if alliances don't affect fight outcomes, and don't affect local population imbalances, what do they do. Alliances prevent servers from being "FULL", and so you can always spend gems to transfer your guild(alliance) to a pseudo server of your choice. In fact, you now have to do these transfers every 8 weeks, after re-link occurs. So, ANET makes more money.


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  2. I think the player stereotypes are right on.

    Let me add one thing.  With the constant nerfing of classes (eg.scrapper) Anet has actually made the game harder to play. The margins for error are smaller.


    Have they gotten to the point where casual players are leaving WvW because it is too hard?  My anecdotal evidence is there are fewer 40+ blobs (ally and enemy) across the time zones I play.  Commanders running open tags are fewer, because the remaining pugs aren't as talented....and so on.  All of this points to the demise of the casual player in WvW.  I wonder if Anet has any hard data on this?


  3. Same here, i play mainly WvW.  Started last Monday, the 13th.  Far worse NA EST times 8am to 5 pm.  After 8pm EST the problem seems to fade away, only to return the next morning.


    The same issue also occurs with forums, release notes, and wiki pages, when the game is loaded and running (or trying to)

    I'm on Comcast from South Florida.


  4. I echo previous posters. PvE and $cash for gems are the way to go.Here are some powerpoint slides I made a long time ago. Warning: Some stuff may be out of date.https://drive.google.com/file/d/109X42ITl1RKCd9fiuC_qxFPLhwzQozrt/view?usp=sharinghttps://drive.google.com/file/d/1jyQe3-8bVZw4cTlrPfwqOmlEuQnl9WR7/view?usp=sharing

    Currently I am running the Maguuma Wastes Reward Track for the zone currency to buy clay, and make Clay Pots (1 per day) which sell for 7 gold, and take seconds to make.

  5. Looking at the Gaussian distribution around 25 consecutive identical values.~ 3200 events of avg 23 entries duration times 2.2 minutes per sample = ~162,000 minutes in 48 hours.dividing by (9 matches 4 maps 3 teams * 2(kills and deaths)) 216 individual data streams.= avg 12 hours of downtime for each stream in 48 hours.

    So, if my math is right, 25% of the time, the WvW API is hung up and not working.I hope my math is wrong.

  6. I think we all use cliches in WvW, whether in Voice Comms, or in squad chat, to help rookies learn the game, or just to express frustration.Below are a few of mine.

    What are your favorites?

    Don't be a Bag, Stay on the tag.Join Voice Comms for the jokes.Have Fun. It's a game.Put away your mini.You have 2 ears, and one mouth. Listen twice as much as you talk.

  7. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1bC6AB1XKoqYVlT-EAXsxsdfZk4PwQjB5/view?usp=sharingNew data set. Wednesday at Noon to Friday at Noon.Good News, the maximum number of consecutive identical values has dropped from 160 down to 65.

    In the plot above, we limit the data set to sequences of 25 or more consecutive identical numbers of kills. For each identified such sequence, we plot it against the number of consecutive identical deaths at that time.

    The takeaway is that because the resulting scatter plot is a line, whenever the sequence of kills stops being updated, the sequence of deaths also stops being updated, for the same amount of time.

    I think this rules out the game engine as the place where the lock up occurs, because the running list of kills and deaths are different processes in the game engine. I think that leaves either the transfer of data from the game engine to the API data base, or the API data base itself as the source of the lock up.


  8. [snip, snip]

    running an all thief guild, trying to get a decent server for bag farms and zerg bustsEveryone here is SEA time but i just cant find a good wvw server for bag farming.I want to work with skilled guilds as an arrangement.

    Sounds like you want to ride the coat-tails of a full squad, comped to take on an enemy full-squad, and you sneak inand claim all the credit for the kills. Sounds like my sterotype of thieves.

  9. Has anyone else seen this? Is it old news?

    I spent some time looking at the time interval between updates to the # of kills, and # of deaths, for each match, map, and team in the API. I sampled the API every 2 minutes give or take a few seconds to account for the time it takes the API to respond each time through the loop. I then step through each list of data to determine the number of consecutive identical values, and plot the results in a histogram. For example, if list_kills=[120, 122, 122, 122, 126, 134, 134, 179], list_consecutive_values= [1, 3, 1, 2, 1]. There are over 45k entries of consecutive identical values, where data was collected from Saturday @ Noon to Sunday @ 22:30 New York City time.


    The plot above shows the vast majority of API updates to the # of kills, # of deaths corresponds to 1 or 2 consecutive values, or approximately 4 minutes or less. This lines up well with the 5 minute RI timer for flipping objectives, assuming the API updates objectives status, war score, # of kills, and # of deaths at the same time. The large number of 1 consecutive values indicates that the API has the potential to update every 2 minutes, but does not always do so.

    Zooming in on the y-axis shows a collection of values in the 15 to 30 range. This corresponds to time intervals of 30min to 60min between updates to the API reporting # of kills and # of deaths. I cannot explain the local minima at 15, and local maxima at 27. There are two possibilities, one is map inactivity, and the second is a minimum threshold before the game engine updates the API server. It is, in my experience, not un-common for maps to be completely inactive for periods of time. This would lead to consecutive identical values of # of kills, and # of deaths, with the API being updated at regular time intervals. A second possible explanation is a minimum number of new kills, such as 5, must occur before the game engine updates the API. There are probably other explanations too, and I am interested in learning what people think.


    Zooming in further on the y-axis, and expanding the x-axis to max values yields the plot below.


    This is the plot that confuses me the most. 120 consecutive identical values corresponds to 4 hours. There is no way a map has no kills or deaths for a period of 4 hours, and so this time interval between API updates of # or kills (or deaths) has no explanation I can think of. Even 40 consecutive identical values, 80 minutes, of no kills seems very unlikely to me.

    Comments and Questions Welcome.Pemb.

  10. Cooldowns and Durations

    We want cooldowns to be felt. Longer cooldowns promote more calculated usage of skills; if skills are used poorly it should create an opportunity for the enemy to push their advantage. Shorter durations of high impact buffs have a similar effect. Skillful timing is going to be rewarded, and poor usage is going to be exploitable by enemies. In some cases, it’s still going to make sense to have a longer duration attached to a longer cooldown, but most of the time we’re looking at shorter durations for things like stability, protection, quickness, high might stacks, among others.

    Instant Skills and Passive Traits

    Counterplay is important. Skills that have a major impact on an enemy player should allow that player the opportunity to react, which means that we want to avoid instant skills that do large amounts of damage or hard cc. In general, this means that instant skills are going to deal less damage or focus more on a secondary effect where applicable. Traits that fire instant skills, or that trigger an offensive effect under easy to fulfill conditions (on hit, on crit, mid-high health threshold, etc.) received similar considerations.

    We’ve also done a pass on traits that provide automatic defensive triggers. Traits that negate incoming CC or grant hard damage mitigation are getting large cooldown increases. Lesser defensive procs (protection on cc, auto condition cleanse, etc.) are also receiving longer cooldowns or reduced effectiveness, though not as extreme. We want to promote more active gameplay and this update is a good opportunity to make heavier adjustments to these passive traits.

    haven’t seen this mentioned, so here is my 2 coppers....This is going to kill WvW 50 on 50 fights dominated by skill lag.

    How can you time spell casts as required above when your servers can’t keep up?

    Also, what happens to players who have 300 ping? With shorter durations of channeled casts, what happens in the client when the server thinks the spell cast is over before the animation has begun? What about players whose hardware has a FPS of 25 in Zerg on Zerg fights? How can they time spells?Players in OCX and SEA time slots just got screwed.

    While the proposed changes may be good for sPvP, and 1v1 roamers, map queue on map queue fights are screwed.

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